Early this morning after a grueling labor, my wife gave birth to our son, George, who is named for a grandfather he will never know. The whole experience has given me a different view of the strength of my wife and women in general. I cannot imagine what she had to go through. New mom is doing very well, but she is totally exhausted.
Shortly after his birth, he and the nurses were unable to clear his lungs of fluid, and he was sent to NICU. This morning, the doctor came in and told us that whatever he has is rather uncommon since the fluid is comprised mostly of blood, and he is still struggling to get his breath. They don't really have any idea what is wrong with him.
While I would like to hope that my son is a fighter, I am sitting in a hospital bed next to my sleeping wife worrying about his future. We have been waiting patiently for this moment to arrive, and now we have to continue to wait with heavy hearts, hoping for the best. Anyone who knows me knows how much I wear my heart on my sleeve, and it is hard to keep a positive face when we know so little about what is going on.
Please keep Kate and George and me in your thoughts for the next few days. We need all the help, ethereal and otherwise, that we can get.
Digging out from under
A stressful Carnival season, the collapse of the Republic, and a few bits
of personal news have gotten us behind schedule in our endeavors to start
1 day ago
I will be praying for you, your wife, and your son.
Oh, my gosh. I fervently hope for the best for you and your family. I'll be thinking about you.
Thanks for the good thoughts. I think they have to be working because he is starting to feel better minute by minute. Keep it up!!!
You are all definitely in my thoughts and I hope he continues to feel better and better...
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and send some positive waves in your direction.
I pray your little boy will make it thru and be a healthy happy little boy.
Thanks, y'all. They are helping us and the baby.
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