George is now becoming the King of Easton, and I am going to be known as George's dad. I think I am fine with that. For now. He has been home for almost a week, and my mom came up from New Orleans for a week to visit. He is doing great. We have three diaper changing stations in our house - one in our room for middle of the night changings, one in his room which we haven't really used yet since he sleeps in our room, and one in the living room for when we don't have enough time to run upstairs.
I am surprised at two things so far. First, I had no idea how FAR a baby can pee. This miraculous event has taken place every day since we have been home. Absolutely awesome. If we could only find a way to aim it. Secondly, and relatedly, there is an awful lot of laundry. We initially thought we would be able to make the world a slightly better place by using organic cloth diapers. This cannot be good for the environment. I have to wash his diapers twice in one load, the clothes that he wet in a separate load with baby detergent, and our adult clothes that were touched with the offending excretions. That's at least four loads. So we try them, get frustrated and back to the disposables we go.
That all being said, things are going great. George is alert and very vocal. He makes all kinds of grunts and squeals. He cries a little, but the best is the little noises and faces he makes when he passes gas (which is frequent). Mom is doing well, too, but she is still a little emotional since all the hormones haven't worked their way out of her system. We have gone on a couple of walks in our neighborhood since we have had awesome weather.
We are a little tired, but its the kind of tired that comes from doing something important rather than just being hungover or staying up too late watching sports. After a scary start, the king of Easton is now ruling is kingdom.
Inauguration Day
I've got my attention divided in several directions at the moment. Some
personal dealings, also the city is getting ready to experience a massive BLIZZARD...
1 week ago
I know where he gets that urinating ability from. I remember a contest where someone reached the lake from the balcony at Joe's Crab Shack, IN a headwind. I'll bet K. Wiseman doesn't remember that event, or won't tell. hmmmm....
Ah the days of molding young minds at St. Paul's.....
HA! You need to either A) invest in Pee Pee Tee Pees..yes they really do exist or B) get the unfortunate disposable diaper ready to catch the stream before it hits you. We were lucky, Benjamin only hit himself a couple of times and we haven't had a problem since...although he did hit my mom friday, which was pretty funny.
That's the best part. We have the PeePee TeePees. It's hard to keep them on, and we were a little skittish with the circumcision. Now, we just use a wipe to cover his wee Willie Johnson. FWIW, I was pretty sure we weren't actually going to use the cloth diapers.
are you using the gause with the vitamin A or vaseline stuff? we found that the gause helped absorb the pee mid diaper change. We were really nervous about the circ too. But everything looks great now :-)
We were using the vaseline. I think that may have contributed to reducing the absorption capability of the diapers (both kinds). We also think he is kinda small for these diapers since he still isn't 8 pounds. His bellybutton is hanging on for dear life, though.
Ah, just keep changin' diapers on the tile floor.
It's easier to mop up.
I just hate when it starts to discolor on the wall.
Shoulda changed diapers at the Crab Shack.
I admit nothing.
George and I need to take more field trips and share our newfound ability with some of the fine establishments here in Easton.
I cracked up the first time I saw a baby boy projectile pee. Unfortunately I was changing his diaper and got it in the face. (I really thought those stories were inflated,apparently not) Can't say I'm surprise you decided to forgo the cloth diapers. I'm so happy he's home and healthy.
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