Thoughts on Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and having a brand new baby boy
Sunday, April 13, 2008
They Even Inquired About You
We have a motto for our little family here - "There is no stress so great that you can't add more." Just when we think we have everything together and are moving forward, we tend to add stress to our little lives. We have two dogs (one dog too many) and two cats (two cats too many). We just had our kitchen remodeled. With this in mind, we decided to get pregnant. There was bleeding and a potential placental abruption. There were infections and emergency room visits. Of course, all of this was par for the course. Despite this, we thought the birthing would go smoothly. George was term, and he was ready to be introduced to the world. That would be what we expected. What we got instead was a child who had a pulmonary hemorrhage at birth. Believe it or not, there is no bad news. There is no tube in George's nose or mouth. He is off the respirator and CPAP. He only has a hep-lock to feed him his precautionary anti-biotics.
Overall, George is well. He looks great, and he is strong. In fact, the doctors say this will not affect him in the future in any way. The nurses love him. George is going to be the jack of all trades - currently his skill set includes eating formula and breastmilk from a bottle (at least two different nipples so far!) and enjoying breastmilk from the source.
For all of you who wished us well and offered thoughts and prayers, thank you. They were much needed and even more appreciated. (I would like to think my singing of "They All Ask'd For You" helped, too.)
As soon as I get the pictures back from the hospital, the world will get to see what the little guy really looks like.
I am so glad to hear that George is going to be well. Benjamin is excited to meet him and go through Jesuit together!!
I am really glad things went well for you. i know you guys waited a long time for his arrival. Take the few extra days George will spend in the Nursery to get the furniture set up and the animals all ready for his homecoming!! These are truly the best days of your life! At least they were of mine.
Good work, my friend, and well deserved for a great family. Little George will be a New Orleans prodigy, I am sure, even way up north. We are so happy for you and can't wait to meet the little fella!
I grew up in Metairie, LA and lived in actual New Orleans for 12 years. The day that I turned 30, I moved to New Jersey and then to Easton, PA 4 years ago. As luck would have it, I was in New Orleans when Katrina approached and evacuated to Jackson, MS. Other than that, I am a Latin and history teacher at a small, independent school in NJ. I miss New Orleans a lot, think about it all the time, and try to go there whenever the work schedule allows.
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I am so glad to hear that George is going to be well. Benjamin is excited to meet him and go through Jesuit together!!
I am really glad things went well for you. i know you guys waited a long time for his arrival. Take the few extra days George will spend in the Nursery to get the furniture set up and the animals all ready for his homecoming!!
These are truly the best days of your life! At least they were of mine.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful news. Y'all take care.
Hooray for George
So happy to hear he's doing well!
Just fill that camera with as many pictures as you can.
He will appreciate every one of those when he gets wrinkly like us.
Good work, my friend, and well deserved for a great family. Little George will be a New Orleans prodigy, I am sure, even way up north. We are so happy for you and can't wait to meet the little fella!
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