Thursday, July 24, 2008

This is what they see

And it's hard to argue with them.

Is there a way to impeach Nagin? Can Robert Cerasoli change the culture of corruption? Will things get better once the thieving Jeffersons get convicted? Or will others step up in their place to steal from the poor and needy? Will the Corps of Engineers stop lying and live up to its mission?

When is enough going to be enough? People in other parts of this country would not stand for such bullshit. Why do we?

To kill the many-headed hydra, you have to start somewhere. Though the evil may grow back, you have to at least start pruning.


jeffrey said...

Is there a way to impeach Nagin?

Maybe but not one that is politically feasible.. or generally productive.

Can Robert Cerasoli change the culture of corruption?


Will things get better once the thieving Jeffersons get convicted?

No... especially not for Jeffersons.

Or will others step up in their place to steal from the poor and needy?

Yes. Quite probably.

Will the Corps of Engineers stop lying and live up to its mission?


When is enough going to be enough?

Nothing ever really changes so never.

People in other parts of this country would not stand for such bullshit. Why do we?

Don't be silly. Of course they do. NOLA is no more corrupt or dysfunctional than the rest of the world.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Jeffrey....always the optimist.

LatinTeacher said...

Maybe NOLA isn't more corrupt than the rest of the world. To me it seems like its more blatant or obvious. In this particular case, I am talking about Nagin and Stone Age, NOAH, the IT director, Pampy Barre, and anything the Jefferson family is involved in. Is this all just bad timing? Or am I just more aware?