What a weekend. Here is what I thought about it.
Anders Osborne
The Soul Rebels
The Wild Magnolia
Crab cakes, mirliton stuffing, and pecan catfish meuniere
The Allman Brothers
Joe Krown at Banks St Bar
Rebirth at Howlin' Wolf
cold beer
crawfish beignets
friday night annual crawfish boil
JazzFest Live Tent
Anders losing power on the last song
Friday's unbelievable rain storm
The fried pork chop (the cabbage was ok, but I knew I would regret it)
Alvin Batiste's passing
warm beer
no Dirty Coast booth
small artist colony at the craft area
the fact that New Edition was on the bill
John Mayer bailing early
JazzFest Live Tent sending out CDs
UPDATE: I changed 1st Annual crawfish boil to the annual crawfish boil as B reminded me that he did it for several years running until he moved to Baton Rouge. Also, I have added the JazzFest Live Tent to both best and worst since I still don't have my CDs... and it's May 20
Digging out from under
A stressful Carnival season, the collapse of the Republic, and a few bits
of personal news have gotten us behind schedule in our endeavors to start
3 days ago
1 comment:
FIRST annual crawfish boil? I remember you at mine on Conti Street for three years running. How soon you forget....
Maybe you thought that crawfish pot was another Leonard hot tub.
Mr. N did a hell of a job this year though.
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