Hollywood is completely bankrupt of new and innovative ideas. To me, the last innovative film that I remember seeing was Star Wars. Not Episode 1. The original Star Wars back in the 70s where we stood outside the Lakeside Mall Theaters (RIP) in the sun in July for hours to see the movie. If I remember correctly, the parking garage wasn't even there yet. Since then, movies have been sequels or remakes (Alvin and the Chipmunks - was anyone even clamoring for this? I didn't think people much liked the cartoon; what about the Dukes of Hazard? Was that necessary? Didn't someone have a better idea than rehashing that storyline?) I thought things couldn't get much worse. Then I saw this:
Knight Industries Three Thousand? Can't you people in LA have an original thought? Either its a recreation of something we already saw, a sequel, or an adaptation from a foreign show changed for American sensibilities (Ugly Betty, anyone?). Why are we remaking a pretty bad 80s TV SHOW? At least Lost and Heroes are new ideas. How many CSIs are there? And why so many?
Now let me rant:
I refuse to go to the movies in general these days because I am almost always disappointed (I have heard great things about Juno, however). I think that the directors and producers are making sucky films on purpose just to see how low we will stoop. And they can justify their mediocre to poor movie-making because people still spend millions to see awful films.
I used to think I liked Tim Burton, but then he remade Planet of the Apes and pretty much ruined it. He did an ok job with Sweeney Todd, I thought, though there seemed to be much he left out. I never understand that. If people, like my wife, go to the movie not realizing its a musical, that's pretty much there fault. The music makes the play, and the music made the movie. Why leave it out?
So I have been watching independent films and art house films. And I am not going to cave in anymore to the big distributors or critical fawning anymore. I may have to sit through some awful B-grade movie, but at least its edgy, features interesting viewpoints or topics, and isn't marketed to the lowest common denominator. These movies tend to have beginnings, middles, and ends, and they are generally well developed. And when I give the directors, producers, and actors my money, it costs me a dollar or two opposed to 8.50. And when they suck, I didn't support the big guys.
Here are some movies that my wife and I have seen in the last few weeks that we would recommend to others:
Everything is Illuminated
Prozac Nation
Mozart and the Whale
Here are some that we weren't quite sure if we liked, but they were interesting.
Lonesome Jim
One of these days, I will start writing reviews of the movies. And we have found a friend and her husband who share a taste for similar movies. I can't wait to share what we've seen with them and listen to their experiences.
Now if I could just get the movies back to the movie store on time.
UPDATE: This was in today's local hometown paper. Seriously - Speed Race, Indiana Jones, and Rambo? Come on. Have a new thought.
He fell down and hit his head
I'm sure it was just like this.
Hammond Police said they pulled over a vehicle on the evening of Feb. 10
near Magazine and Apple Street that was regist...
4 days ago
Go see "Juno." It'll make you feel a little better.
The ranter's wife has some comments to make:
1. Maybe I didn't know Sweeny Todd was a musical, but I did like the all the singing! Much better than all the blood.
2. Lonesome Jim is a GREAT independent movie... I would highly recommend. That whale movie- not so much.
3. Maybe I need to check this blog more often... Keep the kid straight.
reaction to this entry in a nutshell: lmao. u should mix the movie and music posts in with the nola posts more often(it portrays u as not just having a realistically morbid side). oh and btw, sequels in general are usually horridly unsatisfactory. same, in my opinion, goes for books made into movies; the effect is purely disappointing.
"No Country" is worth seeing.
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